Dizzy boy gets obvious

April 26, 2008

Being a responsible student in the morning and call center agent at night, I seldom get to hang out and drink with my officemates, until one day when my schedule was open. After our shift we went straight to the gimik spot nearby and drank our lungs out. Being the show-off that I was, I never passed a shot even though I had no sleep for the past few days because of work and school. It was still fine until we had to bid each other goodbye. So we parted ways while I still had to take a van before I could reach home. I was so drunk and sleepy that I fell asleep automatically once I got seated. In the middle of the long trip home, I suddenly awoke and felt dizzy, and the next thing I know I was vomiting my insides out…inside the van, at the backseat! My fellow passengers rushed to make the van stop and got off immediately while I was soaking in mixed beer and pulutan mesh. I had to pay the driver additional P200 for the carwash and walked home with puke all over me! It really sucked!

Callecenterkid, by email


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